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At the heart of the Launch It concept are our Enterprise Centres. Each of these business & community hubs provides safe, affordable workspaces and targeted holistic support for budding young entrepreneurs to get their business up and running. It is also a welcoming place for local small commercial businesses to continue growing while inspiring their start-up counterparts in the community.
The centres are managed by our SFEDI Accredited Enterprise Managers who are on hand to provide timely advice and support to each business.
We combine this support with our two-year incubation programme that includes subsidised rent and easy access to skills training and events to enable entrepreneurs to establish their business. Rent starts at 50% of local comparable commercial rent, rising to 100% over the course of the programme. After the two year period the young entrepreneur will move on to pave the way for another new start-up and be supported to take on commercial premises.
Built for Dreaming & Launching It

Our Enterprise Centres
The enterprise centre creates a space where new & growing businesses can collaborate, exchange knowledge,
best practice, network, socialise and create business opportunities.
A supportive space to learn, experiment, inspire and grow together.

Over the last few years, we have been taking our successful model and experience, and sharing it across the UK.
By enabling our young entrepreneurs to work where they live, we help them develop local enterprise and create employment opportunities in their communities.
A Social Franchise

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